Thursday, January 29, 2009

Looking for help?

I am currently loving my creative processes and working on cards and fun craft kits for the kids. Yesterday I cut and put together kits for groundhogs. They turned out cute and I put together extras to sell at the next crafts show. Likewise if anyone out there needs kits I am happy to sell them. I also love to scrapbook and work on books for others. I like to tackle all subjects from the normal....trips and new babies to the more complex parts of life, memorials, illnesses etc.

I love to work on different subjects. I have my books that I have done on my cats (we now have 3). I have books I have done on myself...the crazy hair do's, depression that I fight daily etc. If you would like some help taking care of photos...drop me an email. I can get you set up and moving into beautiful scrapbooks to share with others!

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